JULY 11-13, 2025
Camp Bluedog is a weekend long adventure designed to offer young people a positive and fun way to get involved in mountain biking. It is a catalyst for learning such skills as proper bike maintenance, equipment responsibility, safety, sharing, and respect for both riding and other riders. Through the sport of mountain biking students develop a strong sense of self-esteem while discovering the potential within them.
Camp Bluedog is intended for kids ages 8-18. However, there is a Saturday, day camp designed for kids ages 6-8. Camp Bluedog offers riders of all ages a fun and educational mountain bike training opportunity by rallying around the positive culture of trail riding and outdoor recreation. As well, Camp Bluedog offers professional instruction from an experienced and dedicated coaching staff.
Camp Bluedog utilizes the grounds of Sugar Creek Bible Camp in Ferryville, WI. Located in the heart of the beautiful Ocooch Mountain Range. This unique region of the Midwest, referred to as the Driftless Area, was formed when the Continental Glacier that covered most of the surrounding region skipped the area - resulting in tall, forested bluffs, perfect for mountain biking!
About the Directors:
Pete and Alycann Taylor are Wisconsin natives who, after living and adventuring in different parts of the country, decided to return to their Wisconsin roots and moved to Viroqua to raise their family and start their business Bluedog Cycles. They chose this community because of its amazing topography and outdoor potential. Once they became more settled, and Bluedog Cycles was up and running, they decided it would be great fun to offer a mountain bike camp for children. Now, 18 years later, Camp Bluedog has become the largest Mountain Bike Camp of its kind in the nation.
Collectively, Pete and Alycann have over 50 years of summer camp experience. They share the philosophy that the best way to learn is through creative, interactive skill development. But above all, they promote a safe environment of activities and fun!